#AMIS25 – the Conference

AMIS (Aero Management Information Management System) is celebrating its 25 glorious years and that was why venue is intentionally picked as an airport hangar near Katwijk. I’d like to thank to initially to Oracle ACE Program for letting this happen, then biggest thanks to Lucas Jelemma and also everybody involved in conference (speacial credits to Saskia van der Maat and Lianne Verhoeven for taking care of all the speakers)

Venue from a top view

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AMIS25 – City Tour

I was able to visit city of Amsterdam twice, on 31st of May (when I touched down) and 4th of June (the day after the AMIS25 conference). It is a lovely city with full of attractions, sightseeing, shopping and lots more. Here are some selection of my photos that I’ve taken during my long (long, because I had 22k steps in the first and 22.3k steps in my second tour) walking tours. Continue reading

AMIS25 OTN Cloud Developer Challenge

It was early April when we (as ACE Directors) received a mail about asking to attend to AMIS25 conference and OTN Cloud Developer Challenge (formerly known as Cloud Hackaton) and I replied yes. To face the challenge, I asked Heli HelskyahoTim Hall, Osama Mustafa and Debra Lilley. Luckily, all replied yes and we start discussing about our solution. Debra’s idea was great and we started to work on it.

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